Material Theory: Featuring Inkyo Back: Spring Haze / Jennifer Bain: Pollination Aides / Colby Brumit: Snapshots
In Material Theory Back, Bain, and Brumit each use diverse media in unexpected ways to create colorful artwork while sharing
Spring Haze: Inkyo Back embroiders her canvases with line after horizontal line of thread to examine the visual properties of color when the light passing through air is refracted irregularly. In addition to her framed works, Back is using the gallery’s project room to create a site-specific installation of spring-like colors in space.
Pollination Aides: Jennifer Bain creates mixed media works that combine painting with printing, photo collage, and stencils. Her fanciful worlds combine birds, butterflies and flowers with global textile patterns that hint at the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
Snapshots: Using a variety of found materials, Colby sews together collage portrait images of his friends. These snapshot portraits are loaded with narrative embellishments (magazines, maps, newspapers, personal diaries, prints, sheet music, etc.) that provide viewers with a sense of continuous discovery.
In Material Theory Back, Bain, and Brumit each use diverse media in unexpected ways to create colorful artwork while sharing
Spring Haze: Inkyo Back embroiders her canvases with line after horizontal line of thread to examine the visual properties of color when the light passing through air is refracted irregularly. In addition to her framed works, Back is using the gallery’s project room to create a site-specific installation of spring-like colors in space.
Pollination Aides: Jennifer Bain creates mixed media works that combine painting with printing, photo collage, and stencils. Her fanciful worlds combine birds, butterflies and flowers with global textile patterns that hint at the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
Snapshots: Using a variety of found materials, Colby sews together collage portrait images of his friends. These snapshot portraits are loaded with narrative embellishments (magazines, maps, newspapers, personal diaries, prints, sheet music, etc.) that provide viewers with a sense of continuous discovery.